
When you bring your vehicle to exppresscarwash Center, you can rest easy knowing that your vehicle is in professional hands.

Value Card

Why Anybody Who Has a Car Need Exppress Car Wash

  • You don’t need to carry cash along..
  • You can plan your car wash services and can track the list of services
  • The customer can get the card renewed.
  • Periodically you will get alerts for various benefits via SMS and emails using our Value cards.
  • Value card customers are our priority card customers.

Value Cards Exppress Car wash

Interested property owners, with suitable locations, having around 1000 sq. ft. & above, want to put up a Car Wash Unit or to lease or sell out the property, please submit the required details.

Exppress Car wash Value card programs are the outcome of the services we provide with all our care and great supervision wherein we deliver the vehicle to the customer with a smile.

Our happy customer has motivated us to launch more and more value cards with more loyalty benefits which in turn has benefitted our clients and made them our valued customers for the long term.

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